Friday, February 08, 2008

The jennifer story

So My cousin courteny went to dinner at a very nice resturant in vancouver with her boyfriend Dave. Soon after they we seated thry realized that Jennifer Anisten was sitting the table right next to them with some Girlfriends. courteny and Dave decied not to bother them. Through out there dinner they felt as though Jennifers table was looking at them. When courteny went to the bathroom the girls and Jennifer started to talk to Dave, I guess they had been woundering what they were celebrating. They had a nice chat and my Courteny said she was just like the charactor on friends. She also said that Courteny and Dave werwe the cutest couple she had seen.
They left before Jennifers table and when they went to pay Dave was told that their bill was taken care of. Jen had paid for there dinner. How cool!
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Baby Liam how cute

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